There are a few reasons why you may require an Electrical Installation Condition Report of your commercial premises, sometimes called a fixed wiring test, or a 5 year test.
You may have been at your premises for a long time, and never had a check of the electrics carried out and want pice of mind.
Or, your insurance provider might have put it as a condition as part of your policy.
Perhaps you are moving to a new premises, in which case it is a great idea to have the electrical system properly tested, to make sure everything is safe and adequate for your business.
Whatever your reason, the initial cost of having the electrical system tested is a lot cheaper than the power going down and stopping you business from operating, or being sued by one of your employees following an electrical incident.
We have many years of experience in testing all sorts of electrical systems. We can also carry out the remedial works if required to get your premises to the required standard of electrical safety.
Beware using companies that just do testing, as very often they will just land you with a condemning report, and offer nothing in terms of solutions to get you certified. Meaning you have to start the whole process again with someone else.
Get in touch to see how we can help you.
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Surge protection has been around for a while, but in recent years there has been much more emphasis on this type of protection. There are different types of Surge protection with different applications. You may have noticed an extension lead in your home has built in surge protection, this provides local surge protection to very… Read More
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Lighting can really transform a room, and all it can take is replacing one ceiling light to make a difference. The right light fitting in the right setting can make a big impact and become the focal point of a room. Another important aspect to consider is not just the appearance of the light… Read More
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If you are having an alteration or an addition made to your electrical installation, your electrician must check (among other things) that the earthing and bonding arrangements you have meet current standard. This is because the safety of any new work you have done will depend on the earthing and bonding arrangements. If they are… Read More
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Heating our homes can be expensive at the best of times, but if you have old night storage heaters, these may have become inefficient, ineffective or both. A common complaint with these heaters is the lack of control, or running out of heat by the time evening comes, which is when you could need it… Read More
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Here is an example of our commercial work, In this case, warehouse workers were getting cold at their workstation, so we installed small local infra red heaters to give them direct heat, where they needed it, this helps save energy whilst not trying to heat the entire room space. In addition to this, the heaters… Read More
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Traditionally large metal halide floodlights were used for lighting car parks and similar large outdoor spaces. These work well but they have a high operating temperature which is wasted electricity, they also take a long time to warm up before reaching maximum brightness. Now that LED technology has progressed, the LED floodlights have overtaken the… Read More
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With schools and other places of education, it is crucial to get the lighting right, as students and staff are in this environment for many hours each week. We make sure we only use light fittings approved for this use, ensuring they do not flicker or strobe ( many products do!), and that they are… Read More
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Most people are aware that you shouldn’t overload sockets. It can be tempting to just grab an extension lead or a multiplug, just to “get it working”. But as we like to say here at Doctor Sparky, “just because it works, doesn’t make it safe”. Generally speaking, you should only use an extension temporarily, like… Read More
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Has your extractor hood seen better days? It’s usually a better to replace than repair, as you benefit from the manufacturer’s warranty.
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